"When I was a child, my father told me about a distant land. A land so extraordinary with cities so huge that they escaped sight and creatures so fantastic that they do not fit even in the imagination of a child. An ancient land of ancient kings, knights, dragons, and species that walk and talk like men. I always believed that they were stories, tales and legends that men invent to appear interesting to their lovers or to scare children. But no matter how much I repeat it to myself, something in those stories draws me like the bare hips of a young maiden. I've decided I must find out for myself. In this manuscript I have decided to tell its story, a story that I believed was as real as the children's stories that my mother told me. This is not just a story of a fantastic land, this is not just a story of kings, knights and dragons. This is the legend of Aermin"
(I'm not a native english speaker. My english is very good, however i still make some mistakes. I'm doing my own translation to english, so please let me know if you find something wrong)
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